Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Friday, I got the landscape blocks and mulch put down with much help from CC, DC & EC .  Tuesday, I got the plants in the ground. Mowed today, so the yard looked pretty good! 


These are my knockout roses that I planted about a month ago. They are blooming the second time now. I understand they bloom all season. They have grown a lot since I planted them. (NOTE: I tried to rotate the pictures, but it wouldn't let me. I'll have to remember to make my pictures horizontal next time!)


Here's my cardinal bird solar light that I got today at Rural King. I'm not sure if it charged enough today to light up tonight.  I'll check after this posting. Just had to get it since I like multiple Cardinals teams!!


Sunday, May 27, 2012


I just got back from church, Hardees and Lowe's.  I found some pretty plants at Lowe's for my new planting area around my new tree.  I also got some white petunias for my flower pots. Too hot to plant today though!

Here's a pic of what I got.  The one on the right is a pink lily.  The one beside it with the bluish/purple flowers is one I got at Kroger. The rest are the white petunias and some varigated grasses.  More pictures to come when I get them planted.

I just heard the tape of Jim Nabors on TV singing "Back Home in Indiana". He's getting ready to have heart surgery soon and could not travel from his home in Hawaii to sing his famous song at the Indy 500, so they went to Hawaii to record his voice. 

That means I'm getting ready for 1,100 miles of racing today!  500 in Indy, then 600 for Nascar's Coca-Cola 600 in Charlotte.  My picks for Indy are Marco, Dario or Helio.  My fave for the 600 is Dale, Jr.  Hope he can break his streak today!  If he can't win, I'll be pulling for Brad K. or Mark Martin; then, anyone else except Jimmie Johnson! He wins too much!   With temps to be 95+  degrees both at Indy and here, it's a great day to be inside in the A/C and sew!  I got some Fourth of July stuff cut out yesterday, so I'll be working on that.


Saturday, May 12, 2012


These are a few pincushions I've recently stitched.

Bottlecap pincushions
There is a very good tutorial for the basic bottlecap pincushion at verybigjen.

Two Roosters and a baby!

The larger ones were in the April/May 2012 QUILT MAGAZINE.  I just reduced the size for the small one, instead just usingd two small pieces of fabric instead of piecing each side.

I found the pattern for these in an issue of Quilts and More .

A Strawberry needlebook!
Not exactly a pincushion, but a cute needlebook!  I found this at THE HAPPY ZOMBIE .